COVID-19 Precautions
Your Safety is our Top Priority!
The safety of our students, teachers, and families is our top priority at NRSB. In alignment with the guidelines and recommendations specified by the CDC and federal, state, and local governments, NRSB has developed precautions and protocols for our community. NRSB will utilize specific administrative controls to eliminate student and teacher exposure to potential contamination through social contact. Personal protective equipment (PPE) will always be available along with these administrative controls to ensure students and teachers feel safe. It is critical that every person who is a part of the NRSB Family understands and follows these protocols to protect the health and safety of every person in the building.
As of August 2, 2021
Anyone who tests positive or may have been exposed to COVID-19 through close contact must follow CDC guidelines to return to in person classes.
We continue to take the following precautionary measures:
Masks must be worn at all times
Social distancing as much as possible
Frequent cleaning of studios, bathrooms, and common areas
Sanitizing stations outside studio entrances
Parents with students ages 6 and up are asked to remain outside the building for drop off and pick up. If a parent needs to remain in the building for any reason, we ask that a mask be worn at all times.